Location: | Lempira, Honduras |
Start Date: | 2021 |
End Date: | 2022 |
Partners: |

The long-term goal of the project is to empower women and girls in their ability to protect their rights, in particular their right to a live free of gender-based violence (GBV). Sombrilla is working with OCDIH to test the concept of a “mobile legal clinic” offering legal and other support services to local women facing gender-based violence in Honduras. This project seeks to empower women and girls in their ability to protect their rights, in particular the right to a life free of violence.

This will be accomplished by raising awareness and increasing knowledge with community members on gender-based violence and by offering women and girls improved opportunities to engage with the legal system. In addition, the project will strengthen the capacity of local women’s networks and improve the collaboration with community-based organizations, the municipal government and the institutions of the judicial system. The project is being implemented in Las Flores and Lepaera, two municipalities in Honduras, Lempira Department.
The project goals
The project is testing whether implementing various initiatives to create changes at various levels will create systemic changes to improve women’s access to the judicial system in Honduras. In particular, the initiatives being implemented include mobile clinics that provide legal, psychological and other support services to women facing gender-based violence, capacity building to strengthen women’s networks, a public awareness campaign, and establishment of self-support groups.
Projects results
- Baseline survey
- Study on the structural causes of violence, launch and socialization of the project in different areas (local governments, women’s offices, justice operators and networks of women)
- Establishment of partnerships with key stakeholders
- Training for women leaders on issues of gender violence and human and women’s rights
- Replications of training where women share the knowledge acquired in their communities
- Design and launch of a public awareness campaign on gender violence
Project impact
Through this project, women who are victims of gender violence will have effective mechanisms for access to legal and psychological assistance in order to guarantee their physical and emotional integrity, within a framework of justice and equity.

The project is funded through Global Affairs Canada’s ‘Fund for Innovation and Transformation’.
Access to Justice _Project Report